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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vocabulary Games

I love playing games. When I can create or use relevant games in my classroom, I try to do it! It is interesting to see that even though my students are "playing," they can remember information just as well as or even better than if I chose to lecture or teach in a different style. Because of this, I went on a search to find some fun ways to teach/review vocabulary. One of my favorites is taken from Bryan Cohen, and eHow contributor, and is explained below:
  • "Vocabulary Toss: This game requires a chalkboard eraser, or small sponge, and a wastebasket. Divide your class into two teams and have them stand in two single-file lines parallel to each other. This game combines a vocabulary guessing game with a basketball shooting game. Ask the player at the front of one team to define a vocabulary word. If he gets it right, his team gets a point and he has a chance to earn a second point if he makes the eraser into the basket. If he gets the word wrong, the player on the other team has a chance to answer it and shoot the basket. Keep rotating players until everybody gets at least one turn. The team with the most points at the end wins." (2011)

    This game can be adapted to any typical review activity as well. Change the vocabulary words to content questions, and you have a great unit wrap-up game. I think this activity could be changed to have each "turn" be pairs, so as not to intimidate the shy students. If the classroom is already one created in a feeling of community and collaboration, using partners in this game could only enhance that atmosphere.

    Games make learning fun. Though I don't think that every lesson must be a game, or that every review activity must include something being thrown across the room, games are worth checking into.

    Works Cited:

    Cohen, B. (2011). Fun Vocabulary Activities for High School. Retrieved from

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